Preston's Senior Session Quite Overdue

July 23, 2023  •  Leave a Comment

So, I'll admit that I'm not the greatest at keeping up with blogging and posting to social media. In fact, I might just be the worst. I understand why some photographers hire professionals to generate their content. But I'm still insisting on handling all of my social media, for better or worse.

I got a call from a friend the other day about taking good pictures of a vehicle to sell, and I gave the example of the senior session with the Mustang when we went out into the desert....and I started looking for that blog post.....and that blog post....DID NOT EXIST......


Now I remember I shot the session right after I had the 'Vid, so my brain fog was strong. I never realized how strong it truly must have been!

So without further ado, a year and a half later, I present Preston's senior session.....

For the full session details...let me share that Preston went on to graduate and join the US Marines! He completed boot camp and is stationed in Camp Pendleton. I'm still in touch with his mom (who some might think is my sister). I promise I thought I created this blog post immediately after his session, but it is officially gone, so here we go!


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